Ovarian cysts:
Ovarian cysts are very common and often exist without symptoms. In a normal cycle, every month several follicles, each containing an egg, develop. A surge of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone helps release the egg, and progesterone increases. If the egg is not fertilized, the cycle starts all over again. Sometimes, however, no egg is released. Then no progesterone is secreted and more estrogen is released, thus maturing the follicles into fluid-filled sacs or cysts that will grow larger every month until progesterone is secreted.
Cysts can appear in a very short time and disappear just as quickly. Cysts can be alone or in groups, small or large (even as big as a lemon!). Often when cysts are a few centimeters in size, doctors will recommend surgery. However, if a diet and supplementation program is followed, those cysts will usually reduce and disappear. The risk of cancer increases when cysts become solid. Ovarian cancer is rare, but it is difficult to diagnose and remission rates with conventional medicine are poor.
Sometimes a follicle is able to grow tissue or skin cells within the cyst. These types of cysts will not dissipate and must be surgically removed.
Often ovarian cysts are not noticed until a pelvic examination is performed by the doctor or by an ultrasound scan. This is why it is so important to go for your annual PAP test because doctors perform a pelvic exam at the same time. For those with symptoms, the most obvious symptom is pain, either tenderness to the touch or a constant sore or burning sensation in the abdomen, located in the lower abdomen off to the right or left. Pain may occur during ovulation or intercourse. If a cyst erupts in the pelvic cavity, blood and fluid will discharge, possibly causing pain.
Ovarian cysts occur when there is a hormone imbalance. Estrogen dominance brought on by poor elimination of waste by the lymphatic system, colon, liver and kidneys is a factor. Emotional or physical trauma, prolonged stress, and even heavy exercise can cause increased estrogen. A diet rich in meat and dairy products is also responsible for elevating estrogen. Cysts that occur after menopause should be looked at by a physician, as there is a greater risk of them being cancerous. The risk of ovarian cancer is increased with the use of fertility drugs or birth control pills, or if you have never been pregnant.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder where many fluid-filled cysts are present and male hormones are excessively high. In this disorder, excess luteinizing hormone increases the production of male hormones that can cause acne and coarse hair growth.
Affecting up to 10 percent of the U.S. population, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the most common hormone dysfunction among women in their reproductive years. Because eggs are frequently not released, fertility is a problem. If pregnancy does occur, it often ends with first trimester miscarriage or is associated with gestational diabetes. The condition seems to run in families, with 20 percent of mothers and 40 percent of sisters of those with PCOS also demonstrating varying degrees of the syndrome.
With the approach of menopause, androgen production declines, and there is a more normal pattern of menstruation. If left untreated, PCOS can lead to cancer of the uterine lining. Women with PCOS also are at increased risk for development of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
Symptoms:PCOS usually shows with coarse hair growth on the face and chest, and higher levels of male androgenic hormones, caused when the pituitary gland releases an excess of luteinizing hormone. Acne and oily skin are also evident. Ovaries are typically enlarged and contain multiple cysts. Symptoms often become apparent in puberty when menstruation is to begin: irregular menstrual periods with copious bleeding may occur, or PCOS can cause a lack of periods altogether. Infertility is a major concern of women with PCOS.
Although historically considered a gynecological problem, research now shows that PCOS is associated with hyperinsulinemia (production of too much of the insulin hormone) and impaired glucose metabolism. Perhaps not surprisingly, more than 65 percent of women who suffer from PCOS are obese. Reports indicate that early pubarche (breast budding and pubic hair growth) is linked to ovarian hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance, suggesting another hormonal trigger. Doctors typically try to determine if a tumor is responsible for the production of male hormones. Thyroid and prolactin abnormalities should also be investigated as possible causes of amenorrhea (lack of period).
Since the extra weight seems to be an important issue, those with PCOS should work toward losing excess weight gradually, using proper nutrition and exercise. Doing so will also lessen risks for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Ovarian Cancer:
Ovarian cancer is the fifth most diagnosed cancer, accounting for almost 5 percent of all cancer deaths. In fact, about one in 70 women will eventually develop ovarian cancer. Known as the silent killer, vague symptoms make this cancer difficult to detect and allow it to invade other tissues. Ovarian cancer normally strikes between the ages of 50 and 70, and with an almost 60 percent death rate, women need to understand the symptoms so that they can seek treatment early.
Symptoms of ovarian cancer can mimic common illness and are often vague. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, symptoms of early stage ovarian cancer include a mild discomfort in the lower part of the abdomen, a sense of incomplete evacuation of stool, gas, a frequent need to urinate, indigestion, feeling full after a light meal, low back pain and vaginal discharge. More advanced symptoms include painful intercourse, abnormal bleeding, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. A build-up of fluid in the abdomen makes clothes feel tight. At this point, a woman may lose weight or become anemic.
Tests to diagnose ovarian cancer are simple and include a transvaginal ultrasound, a CA-125 blood test and a pelvic exam. Many doctors believe that the CA-125 blood test is not reliable, but the National Ovarian Cancer Association recommends it be done on women with above-noted symptoms. A 1983 Harvard University study found elevated levels in 80 percent of women with stages three and four ovarian cancer. The test was not as reliable with stage one and two cancer, and test results can also be high in women with uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Despite its imperfections, it is the best test that we have when combined with a transvaginal ultrasound. Fortunately, in Canada the CA-125 is covered under provincial health plans. Surgery is the only definitive method of detecting ovarian cancer.
Multivitamins with minerals; (contains no iron)
FemmEssentials or MultiEssentials for women
As directed. See Appendix A for the complete listing of recommended nutrients and their actions.
Provides all the nutrients a woman needs every day to support all functions
Take four capsules. Two at breakfast, two at dinner containing:
Milk Thistle 100 mg
Supports liver health, which is important for metabolism of hormones
D-glucarate 300 mg
Important for healthy metabolism of estrogen; supports normal cell growth
Turmeric 100 mg
95% curcumin)
Prevents abnormal cell growth, detoxifies cancer-causing form of estrogen
Indole-3-carbinol 300 mg
Stops healthy estrogen from converting into the cancer-causing form. Has been shown to reverse abnormal PAP tests within 3 menstrual cycles
Green tea extract 200 mg Protects against abnormal cell growth, detoxifies excess estrogens
Rosemary extract 50 mg
Reduces tumor formation; is antioxidant
Lycopene 10 mg
Antioxidant; reduces risk of cancer
Sulforaphane 400 mcg daily
Reduces risk of cancer; stops abnormal cell growth
Natural progesterone cream:
In Canada, progesterone cream is a prescription drug. Use 6% natural progesterone 1/4to 1/2 tsp morning and night between day 5-28 (or whenever your normal cycle ends). In the U.S., ProgestaCare by Life Flo is niceas it delivers 20 mg in a pre-measured pump dose.
Limits abnormal cell growth caused by too much estrogen. Aids ovulation
Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil:
3000 mg per day of Evening Primrose or 2000 mg per day of Borage oil
Anti-inflammatory; controls negative prostaglandins involved in pain and inflammation
Chaste Tree (Vitex) berry:
100-175 mg daily
Balances estrogen-to-progesterone ratio, important for proper cell function Normalizes ovulation and prolactin
See health tips for Endometriosis.
Weight loss is essential in those with polycystic ovarian syndrome. See Diabetes for tips on normalizing insulin and improving insulin resistance, which aids PCOS
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Ovarian Cysts, Polycystic Ovary syndrome and ovarian cancer
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on Sep 10, 2009
Ovarian Cysts,

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